Posted by: lisalundquist | August 26, 2007

Denim Insulation

My husband and I are soon going to have our old, dirty fiberglass insulation removed from our attic and replaced with the new, environmentally friendly denim insulation.  I honestly can’t remember where I heard about it first but I found a local place, Truitt & White ( in Berkeley that sells it.  Not only does it do the trick for insulating your attic, it is soft, easy to handle (unlike the itchy fiberglass stuff), fire retardant and pest retardant.  It’s pretty cool stuff and it looks like a bale of shredded jeans.  And the price is not that much more than the fiberglass insulation.  The only thing to keep in mind is that it does not come backed with paper so if you plan on stapling it between the joists before putting up ceiling drywall, that won’t work. 

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