Posted by: lisalundquist | October 19, 2007

Senior Housing Options

The dilemma… your elderly parent shouldn’t be living alone any longer but they aren’t quite ready for assisted living or a retirement community.  Here is an option that may work for everyone.  ECHO Cottage Housing offers seniors their independence yet give their family close proximity and peace of mind.  This is a great article from the AARP website and a great option for many… 

ECHO Cottage Housing Helps Families Stay Closer

An ECHO (Elder Cottage Housing Opportunities) unit is a separate, small, manufactured home added in the side or backyard of a single-family house – usually an adult child’s house. Older parents can then live near their children but not with them.

ECHO is an ideal answer for many families. It allows older adults to get the support they need while all can stay independent in their own homes. It gives everyone the privacy they may desire. And the bonus? Because the ECHO unit is temporary, it can be removed when it is no longer needed.

ECHO units permit closeness without sacrificing self-reliance or independence. Often, they foster a spirit of mutual support between the households. Grandparents and grandchildren are more apt to develop close relationships. Because the cottages are low-cost (or perhaps leased) and are removable and reusable, they can be very cost-effective. Their nearness to family helps create a close relationship between all family members – older, middle-aged, and younger. An ECHO unit also eliminates the hassle of distance traveling to offer needed support to loved ones.

There are some challenges. Zoning commissions, courts, and the public haven’t always recognized the importance of changing housing needs. Many zoning codes do not allow ECHO housing while others will only allow a variance for people over 55 years of age. Advocates are trying to develop ways to guarantee high quality construction standards to ensure ECHO homes will be attractive and compatible with the styles of existing homes.

The Future of ECHO
ECHO units are an inexpensive housing option that meets the needs of some older persons and their families. As the population ages, the need for alternative housing such as ECHO units will increase. The following steps can help them become a reality:

  • State, county, and city officials – as well as local housing and zoning agencies – should include ECHO housing in their housing plans.
  • Private developers and manufactured-home builders can create sound designs and explore financing methods for ECHO housing.
  • Agencies for the aging should assume a leading role in studying ECHO units as a housing option and advocate for their acceptance in government housing planning.

Getting Started
If you believe ECHO housing might meet your needs, have a frank talk with your adult children or your parents to discuss how they think it might work. Contact your local zoning authority to learn if ECHO housing is permitted. If it is not permitted, apply for a special use permit. Get the help of your local agencies on aging, senior centers, or other organizations with an interest in older persons.


  1. The ECHO cottage housing seems like a great concept and would be interested in seeing pictures of some. So far haven’t found any through my search, but will continue to look. Another cottage option that seems really nice is the Katrina cottage; except as I understand it so far, the ECHO is a temporary option.

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